因為Wenty行事低調,粉絲與媒體對他的感情狀態一直保持高度關切,隨著Prison Break的走紅,Perez Hilton等八卦專欄更是火力全開,從挑剔他每次提到過去交往對象皆用中性字眼帶過,到誓言旦旦他的誹聞對象是Vin Diesel,已經到了啼笑皆非的程度。以下為Wenty在接受2005年People雜誌訪問時對自己感情狀況比較詳細的說明─
from People Magazine's Most Sexiest Men Alive 2005 issue where he revealed, "My last meaningful relationship was about a year ago and lasted only a few months, but it was hot and heavy -- those are the best kind. In another interview about relationships, 33-year-old Wentworth Miller, also mentioned, "My rule is you want someone who's got both feet on the ground. An ideal girlfriend might be someone who works in the business and can understand what you're going through but is not an actor themselves - is willing to run lines with you but when you start acting crazy, they throw up their hands and take you for what you are and be accepting."
關於Wentworth Miller的一些謠言以及感情狀況
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